If you are looking for a Good Value on Carpet Cleaning in Birmingham, AL, you have come to the right place. Heaven’s Best Carpet and Rug Cleaners offer the Best Value Carpet Cleaning Service in Birmingham, AL. There are some companies that claim they have a lower price, but Beware! There is a Bait-n-Switch Carpet Cleaning Company in Birmingham, AL that has Valpak and Groupon Specials claiming they will clean 3 Rooms for only $59. This is a Bait-n-Switch Ad. The true cost is much higher. When the workers show up, they will say the size of the rooms do not qualify or that the $59 only covers a basic cleaning which is water only. The bottom line is that there extremely low cost $59 cleaning ends up costing $300-$500. And, that is no bargain at all! You can learn what companies do this by reading their online reviews. You will see that they have many reviews in which they up the price significantly once they arrive.
If you want a true value carpet cleaning, give Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning a call at (205) 739-1880. We offer honest, fair prices for a great value. We have a very good value, 3 Room Carpet Cleaning for only $93. And, we try to make it very clear about what you receive with the carpet cleaning and what size rooms it entails. The $93 Carpet Cleaning Special is for rooms up to 200 Sq. Ft. If a room is 400 Sq. Ft we count it as 2 rooms and would be $62. If a room is 300 Sq. Ft we count it as 1 1/2 rooms and it would be $47.
And included in our $93 – 3 Room Carpet Cleaning Special is the following: commercial vacuuming, pre-spray and pre-spotting, our special Heaven's Best Cleaning Solution with an added Citrus Cleaning Booster and FREE Citrus/Orange Deodorizer.
So, if you are looking for the Best Value Carpet Cleaning Service in Birmingham, AL, give Heaven’s Best Carpet and Rug Cleaners a call today at (205) 739-1880. You will receive an honest quote and quality service. We guarantee it!