This article offers information on Citrus Carpet Cleaning and other uses for Lemons in Birmingham AL. Citrus fruit such as lemons are an excellent natural cleanser. They can be used for multiple purposes around the house. One of the best uses of citrus fruit including oranges and lemons is the base of Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning Solutions. Heaven’s Best uses a low moisture carpet cleaning process combined with ecofriendly Citrus based Cleaning solutions. These solutions provide superb cleaning power that works great on carpets and upholstery and it also makes your home smell great. Along with a professional carpet cleaning from Heaven’s Best, try these other great ways to use Lemons to clean and freshen your home in Birmingham AL.
- Dust Buster! Mix 10 drops lemon oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and a few drops olive oil in a spray bottle. Spray onto dusty surfaces and wipe with a towel or dust cloth.
- Freshen up your Vacuum! Add a squeeze of lemon juice to your vacuum cleaner bag to make the air smell fresh when you vacuum.
- Polish Wood Furniture. If it's varnished: Add a few drops of lemon to ½ cup warm water. Spray onto a slightly damp cotton cloth and wipe furniture. If it's unvarnished: Mix 2 teaspoons each of olive oil and lemon juice. Apply to a soft cotton cloth. Use wide strokes to distribute evenly.
- Attack a Laundry Stain! Add ½ cup lemon juice to a load of white laundry, then let dry in the sun.
- Clean Soap Scum in the Bathroom. Put lemon juice on a sponge and wipe shower doors to remove soap scum.
- Cut Grease. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your dishwasher detergent to help fight grease during a wash cycle.
- Smelly Microwave? Zap smells from your microwave by filling a heat-resistant bowl with water and half a lemon. Microwave for five minutes and it will freshen up your microwave 7. Refresh Cutting Boards. If your wood or plastic cutting board has picked up odors, rub a half a lemon over the surface and wash clean.
- Remove Smelly Odors from Hands. If your Hands smell from either cleaning fish or chopping onions or any other reason. Wash hands with the squeeze of a lemon and follow with hand soap.
- Deodorize your Garbage Disposal. Run the Lemon peels through your garbage disposal often to make your whole kitchen smell great.
Add a twist of lemon to your cleaning routine to help clean and freshen your home. Along with using lemon in your cleaning routine, also give Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning a call at (205) 618-9150 to schedule your yearly carpet cleaning. Citrus Carpet Cleaning and other uses for Lemons in Birmingham AL are natural ways to clean and freshen your home. They are environmentally safe and therefore won’t harm you, your children, your pets or your home. Nothing makes your home look and smell great than fresh citrus smelling carpets and upholstery. Call Heaven’s Best today at (205) 618-9150, or use the form below to contact us immediately.