Part 4 We are going to tackle two big cleaning No-Nos in today’s continuation of our bad cleaning advice series: Cleaning Advice, Part 4: What Not to Do in Birmingham, AL
Bad Advice #1: Hydrogen Peroxide for Carpet Stains
Hydrogen peroxide is definitely not the way to clean stains from carpet. Hydrogen Peroxide is a bleaching agent that can leave lighter spots that will damage your carpet beyond repair. The internet is swimming with advice that will tell you to use hydrogen peroxide on carpet and it is a mystery why anyone would advise it. If you have deeper, heavier stains, think about calling in a professional, like Heaven’s Best. Carpet manufacturers typically advises their customers as to the type of spot cleaner to use, so be sure to check with the manufacturer. You can also google the manufacturer and study up before using any cleaning substance on the carpet. Every fiber is different, and the last thing you want to do is damage your investment.
Bad Advice #2: Remove Pet Urine Stains and Odors Using Spray Carpet Cleaner
If your furry, four-legged baby has made a mess on your carpet you will be living with the odor for an unfortunately long time. Urine soaks deep into the carpet fibers, padding, and sometimes even into the wood. As pet urine contains uric acid, it can be seriously damaging to carpet fibers. You want to first blot the area as quickly as possible. In the event the urine has already soaked into the carpet or dried before you were able to attend to it, you’ll want to call in the professionals to completely eradicate the odor. Sprays and spot cleaners will just mask the odors, and not very well at that. Perfume and pet urine mixed together is a less than pleasant smell.
Whether you have a tough to remove stain, or a pet stain or odor that you just can’t seem to get rid of, Heaven’s Best is here to help. Call us today at 205.739.1880 to schedule an appointment or free estimate today. We hope this installment of our bad advice cleaning series has been helpful (Cleaning Advice, Part 4: What Not to Do in Birmingham, AL) and be sure to check back tomorrow for the last article on what not to do when cleaning.