Part 5 As we wrap up our series on bad cleaning advice, we hope you’ll enjoy this last blog article, Cleaning Advice, Part 5: What Not to Do in Birmingham, AL.
Bad Advice #1: Tea as a Cleaner
Some DIY bloggers recommend using tea bags to clean. Never, never do it. Tea is a staining agent and you will be very unhappy with the result. Don’t use wet tea bags on any type of fabric, wood or any other type of surface. Having a hot cup of tea for yourself, however, is always a good idea.
Bad Advice #2: Clean Leather Furniture with an All-Purpose Cleaner, Oil, or Baby Wipes
Your leather furniture was manufactured with a professional finish designed to keep leather smooth and supple. All-purpose cleaners will damage the leather surface, potentially beyond repair. The same is true with baby wipes. Oils, even those that are commonly advised on the internet, can actually make the leather brittle and more likely to tear and crack. As with any furniture, be sure to reference the furniture manufacturer’s directions on how to clean your leather furniture pieces. It is not uncommon for a specific brand of leather cleaner and conditioner to be advised. Use that – and nothing else other than a clean cloth to correctly care for leather and make it last.
We sincerely hope this article series has proved helpful in determining which cleaning methods may prove to be more harm than help when searching the internet for cleaning advice. If you have tried one of the methods mentioned in these articles and found yourself in a mess, or if you just can’t quite figure out how to clean up a given spot or stain, remember to call Heaven’s Best – we are experts in the area of stain removal and will turn that frown upside down and leave you feeling glad you called us. Call us today for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment at 205.739.1880. This article, Cleaning Advice, Part 5: What Not to Do in Birmingham, AL concludes this series. We truly hope you’ve gained some helpful insight.