A pile of dirty dishes, overflowing trashcans and mysterious carpet stains can be a major downer after a great party. Make a few adjustments to your party planning and carpet cleaning in Birmingham, AL, and you won’t be up all night dealing with the aftermath
1. A clean start.
Make sure your home is in tip top shape before the party goers arrive. Take out the trash, putting fresh trash bags in your cans with newspaper at the bottom to soak up liquids. Wash any dishes or cookware you used preparing the food and run and empty the dishwasher. Now you have half the cleanup taken care of before things even get started.
2. Fewer messy foods.
Serve foods you can prepare beforehand. Stay away from create-your-own dishes, such as tacos, or offering too many sauces or dips that can create a big mess.
3. No fuss dinnerware. -
Choose dishwasher-friendly dining ware. Use stemless glasses that aren’t as easy to tip over and easy to clean. If you're hosting 20 or more, opt for disposable plates and fun plastic glassware that you can recycle.
4. Smart set up.
Make it easy for guests to leave used dishes in one spot by placing an empty tray on a side table. If you're using disposables, place a couple of small pails in easy to find spots. Put away decor that will stain easily or may be difficult to clean, like light-colored throw rugs or pillows. Have coasters handy and on tables for guests' drinks and make room for their plates.
5. Keep it centralized.
Keep the party from spreading all over the house, or else you'll be spending all night searching for half-empty wine glasses and dirty dishes. Lock bedroom doors or decoratively block off areas to discourage guests from wandering.
6. Focus on the essentials after the party has ended.
Don’t disappear into the kitchen until everyone has left. Once all guests have gone, round up leftover food and drinks. Use baggies for leftovers instead of searching for containers and matching lids. Rinse plates and glasses and stack them in the sink if the dishwasher is full. Gather up as much as possible in one spot so the final cleanup will be easier in the morning.
7. Have a professional carpet cleaner scheduled for the morning after.
Don’t underestimate the mess a good party can leave. From tracking in dirt (or mud if it’s raining at the time of the party) to those unforgivable and almost inevitable spills, your bound to at least have a spot or two on your carpets that weren’t there before. Be sure to have a professional lined up to come in and clean the next morning so those stains and spots will come up easily. Heaven’s Best would love to help you with your party planning and carpet cleaning in Birmingham, AL. Call us today at (205) 739-1880 or fill out the form below and we will contact you!