If you would like to learn how to Reduce Carpet Spots and Stains in Birmingham AL, this article will give you some great tips. You have probably heard the expression, “Location, location, location,” especially if you are thinking about real estate. But, have you ever heard of it in conjunction with carpeting or rugs. If you haven’t, you are not alone. We, at Heaven’s Best Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning had not thought of it until recently, but it does play a large part in reducing carpet spots and stains from your carpets. You may be asking yourself, how can location help my carpets stay cleaner?
When it comes to carpet care, the expression location means something entirely different than in real estate. When referring to carpet and carpet care, here is what it means:
- Certain carpeted locations will typically become more soiled with spots than others.
- Certain carpeted locations will experience similar soiling and spotting over and over again.
- Certain carpeted locations will need far more care and attention on a regular basis than other areas.
If you think about this, it makes sense. If you have black traffic lanes in certain places in your home, you know that these are the areas that get the most use. It may be a hallway coming into the house or it may be an entryway into a bedroom. If you picture your home, you probably can easily identify these locations already.
The Impact of Interior Design
The location of furniture in your home may create walkways or areas that will get more use. As you think of the location of chairs, sofas, and tables, you will realize the areas that get the most soiling. By moving furniture or rearranging area rugs, often you can help prevent stains in some areas.
Identifying Spot-Prone Areas
Now that we have an understanding of how “location, location, location” applies to carpet, let’s look at some problem areas to see how you can keep them clean and possibly even eliminate soiling and spotting issues.
The following are the most spot-prone areas in your home:
Entryways/foyers: The big concern here is not necessarily dry soil, which can be removed with vacuuming, but rather, soils such as grease, oil, or mud that are walked onto the carpet. Making matters worse, this type of soiling is often ground into the carpet with foot traffic, which can make it harder to remove.
Hallways: Carpeted hallways leading to and from kitchens are invariably sprinkled with spots from food items and beverages, especially coffee.
Carpeted dining areas: These areas are spot-prone; most spots are food- and beverage-related, such as juices, coffee, and other drinks, as well as condiments like ketchup or mustard.
Transition areas: This is where a hard-surface floor transitions into a carpeted area. Dry and wet soils, as well as residue from floor cleaning chemicals, often end up on the nearby carpet.
Office/work areas: Your home office or area where you work may be a place where you drink your morning coffee. If so, some coffee invariably may spill on the carpet.
Desks: Your desk at your home may be your work area. And, if you eat or drink at your desk, food and spills are not only common, they are likely. The best way to deal with this is prevention. The best prevention for this is to install a plastic mat under your desk chair. At least this may catch the mess before it hits the carpet.
Addressing the Challenge
Wherever possible, entry mats, area rugs and throw rugs can help solve the problem. The throw rug and the entry mat will get dirty instead of the carpet.
Having a “remove shoe” policy can also help keep the dirt at the front door instead of tracked throughout the house.
Eating and drinking policies can also help keep some areas clean. A “No food or beverage” rule for formal living rooms can help limit some of the problems.
Strategically positioning furniture can also help. Think about where you place your desk or work area. You may want to put a rug down under this area, if you will be working there and eating there. Also considering moving your sofa, love seat or recliners occasionally to avoid wear and tear in the same areas. With a little thought and some simple changes you can help lessen spots and stains on your carpets.
Even if you follow all these tips for how to Reduce Carpet Spots and Stains in Birmingham AL, the carpet and rug institute still recommends having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year. And accidents still happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. Don’t hesitate to call Heaven’s Best Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning at (205) 618-9150 for stain removal help and a professional carpet cleaning. After a carpet cleaning from Heaven’s Best, your carpets will look and smell great! Call us today at (205) 618-9150.