Staging and Cleaning your home for a quick sale in Birmingham, AL is all about creating an inviting atmosphere for potential buyers. If the home is vacant a stager will bring in the perfect pieces- furniture and decor - to help buyers imagine themselves living there. If you plan to continue living in your home while it’s on the market staging is all about decluttering, cleaning, minimizing and decorating, or re-decorating, for general appeal. Staging can’t make a home sell for more than it’s worth, but it can set your home apart and boost the selling price to the top of the range of comparable homes.
One of the biggest things you can do to peak buyer’s interest is to make sure that your home is clean and inviting. No buyer wants to walk into a home and see last nights dinner dishes still in the sink, your husband’s dirty socks on the bedroom floor, or the juice stain your toddler left on the living room carpet. Additionally ridding your home of your smells and odors is key! From pets, to kids, to frequently used perfumes or cleaners there are all sorts of contributors to the way your home smells.
At Heaven’s Best Carpet and Rug Cleaners, we can help you get your home market-ready! Not only can we clean up and remove those juice stains but our free citrus deodorizer is included with every cleaning. At Heaven’s Best you do not have to pay extra for deodorizer - it is always included in the cleaning. So, if you’re ready to start staging and cleaning your home for a quick sale in Birmingham, AL give us a call at (205) 739-1880 or fill out the form below. Your carpet and floors will look as good as new, your house will be rid of any unwanted smells and you will be one step closer to selling your home!